I16 Test Pitch Reports
Request not yet written - dust Idea.
v0.1, dated 29 May 2022
- Dreamcatcher Website
- Pitch decks for each of Investor, Worker and Market Demand.
- Reports from test pitches.
- Written or recorded Reports on each test pitch.
Currently we have a wealth of informal and formal information by which we possibly could convince contributors on to Dreamcatcher. However, we're scatter-gunning the approach and not making step-wise improvements. Similarly, we're not improving a consistent set of materials, messages and concepts. Part of this is because there's a lot of material to consider, and so each pitch has a subset of that information.
Without a concerted set of materials, and a system to improve these materials, we'll take too long to get contributors on board to Dreamcatcher
This idea then is to tackle part of this by:
- Getting a baseline set of material together that can be versioned and improved.
- Pitch those materials based on which group we're pitching to.
- Record and discuss the response to pitches.
- Improve the baseline material based on those reports.
We need to:
- Create versioned outputs for pitch decks, including piss-pitch messaging, for each of:
- Investors
- Workers
- Market Demand
- Hold pitches, initially from Investors or ideally from Investors/Market Demand, and record and report on the output.
- Create a short versioning process for improvement of the baseline versioned material that is updated based on reports.
Actors and Actions​
To be completed.
Integration Tests
To be completed.
Implementation Steps​
To be completed.
Definition of Done​
To be completed.