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I16 Test Pitch Reports


Request not yet written - dust Idea.


v0.1, dated 29 May 2022



  1. Dreamcatcher Website
  2. Pitch decks for each of Investor, Worker and Market Demand.
  3. Reports from test pitches.


  1. Written or recorded Reports on each test pitch.


Currently we have a wealth of informal and formal information by which we possibly could convince contributors on to Dreamcatcher. However, we're scatter-gunning the approach and not making step-wise improvements. Similarly, we're not improving a consistent set of materials, messages and concepts. Part of this is because there's a lot of material to consider, and so each pitch has a subset of that information.

Without a concerted set of materials, and a system to improve these materials, we'll take too long to get contributors on board to Dreamcatcher

This idea then is to tackle part of this by:

  1. Getting a baseline set of material together that can be versioned and improved.
  2. Pitch those materials based on which group we're pitching to.
  3. Record and discuss the response to pitches.
  4. Improve the baseline material based on those reports.


We need to:

  1. Create versioned outputs for pitch decks, including piss-pitch messaging, for each of:
    1. Investors
    2. Workers
    3. Market Demand
  2. Hold pitches, initially from Investors or ideally from Investors/Market Demand, and record and report on the output.
  3. Create a short versioning process for improvement of the baseline versioned material that is updated based on reports.

Actors and Actions​

To be completed.

Integration Tests

To be completed.

Implementation Steps​

To be completed.

Definition of Done​

To be completed.