"napps: a universal package format to make all code AI callable"
Hurry up and Wait
"Hurry up and wait: The coming amplification of human effort"
JIT Application Delivery
"Delivering the Dreamcatcher: AI Assembled Applications Just In Time"
Funding the Dreamcatcher
"Funding the Dreamcatcher: A Model for venture funding an AI powered Innovation network"
Tasks as NFTs
"Transforming Tasks into NFTs: When Events become Things in the Packet-Based Innovation System"
Unfolding the Dreamcatcher
"Unfolding the Dreamcatcher: The Confluence of Blockchain, AI, and NFTs in a New Era of Innovation Networks"
AI and the Wealth of Nations
"A Comprehensive Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence and its Implications for Adam Smith's Economic Theories in The Wealth of Nations"
Primal Needs: Attribution for Contribution
"Restoring Fair Reward: Dreamcatcher's Packet-Based Innovation Rekindles the Ancient Link between Contribution and Attribution"
The Dawn of Inverted Apps
"Revolutionizing the Digital Landscape: Inverted Apps, Championing Consumer-Centric Operation"
The Only Two Attribution Decisions
"The Art and Science of Fair Attribution: Apportioning Rewards in the Dreamcatcher Ecosystem"