The destiny of blockchain is to model the entire world. What point then is any instrinsic currency ?
Object oriented programming is the dominant form of computer modelling.
Our purpose is to facilitate trade between all currencies and all objects, predominantly labour, technology, customers, and assets.
With enough granularity and autonomous agents, we can get back to barter.
When we first started towards the Dreamcatcher, we wanted software defined companies, to cure the ailments we had in our current publicly listed companies. Now we're saying that each object comes with a software defined company attached via API.
Why aren't software defined companies popular ? What are manually operated companies the favourite ? Is there some relationship between the granularity of a thing before it becomes programmable ?
- Future of all currencies is to be replaced with barter
- Any crypto currency is arbitrary anyway
- Object models allow direct trading of the item
- We can model any currency, with provenance, and fractionalize it to nano portions
- miners can earn whatever currency they wish
- liquid exchanges let you swap for any other currency
- There is no currency since the value we are creating is captured in the NFTs that make up the system
Given that we built this whole thing on non-fungibility and modelling of the real world, it makes no sense to have a currency of our own. Any arbitrary fungible unit of value that has no internal control mechanism will periodically crash. With no regulation, this cycle is accelerated, as the system can be used as a 'bigger fool' scheme, but is harder to squash due to its distributed nature, with a multitude of bad actors having no coordination except the same pattern of ill intent.
Systems that launch with a 'shares' like nature, such as ICOs and other "Initial *" offerings bake in their demise from inception by setting the exectations and incentives of multiple powerful actors in the system.