Dictionary Conventions
Titles of Dictionaries are denoted in all-caps. E.g.
The Dictionary is hierarchical in nature. That is, one Dictionary can be extended by another, while inheriting the definitions of the first. The relationship is:
A word Capitalised and in Italics refers to a defined term with its own Dictionary entry.
A defined term can be followed by a type, in parentheses. The list of valid types is as follows:
- Object
- Field
- Event
- Selection
- Link
- Workflow
- Typeof
- Covenant - logic in the blockchain system
Structure conventions:
- Object - denoted in the structure as: Objectname/
- Child - denoted in the structure as an object on a new line nested in by one tab from the object above it.
- Field - denoted as: ?fieldname: fieldvalue
- Link to another Project’s Object: name -> ObjectLocation
- Link in another Project that refers to this Project’s Object: name <- otherProjectsLink
- Weak Link to another Project’s Object: name ~> ObjectLocation
- Fork of an Object: name <# ObjectLocation which reads as “name is a Fork of ObjectLocation”
- To indicate where another Object is a fork of this one, the format is name #> ObjectLocation, where ObjectLocation is a Fork of name.
- Data in the structure that is auto-generated from an algo: (generatedFromAlgo)
- Branches of Projects are denoted by: [governanceName$/]projectName[@forkName].
- projectName@branchName denotes a Branch which has the same Governance as the Origin.
- governanceName:projectName@branchName denotes a Branch which has different governance from the Origin.
- Specific blocks within an Object’s chain are denoted by: Objectname#blockNumber. Objectname can be a full path or abbreviated for example.
- The top level of a Sovereign Object is denoted by Project1:/
- A Project which has not yet been Birthed is denoted by Project1/ This is a shorthand for the location of the Object within a hierarchy. E.g. DOSInstance:/Apps/Dreamcatcher/Projects/Project1/ can be shortened to Project1/
A term which refers to another location in the Dictionary is denoted by square brackets, e.g.:
- Attribution Algorithm [See Attribution ALGO DICTIONARY]